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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Great Day

1. Bush's Last Day. I've been counting down for two years.
2. Obama's First Day.

I have never considered myself very patriotic. I have always been proud to be an American but I always had this lingering sense that I didn't quite buy into a lot of what we are told about our country and what it represents. I have always been surrounded by all kinds of people growing up in the SF Bay Area so for me I did believe to an extent that we were all equal. Then you become an adult and you realize we don't all treat each other equal. That people are still ignorant. That a man in an auto parts shop will look at me as I walk in with my husband, point to the corner of his shop and say "The broom is over there."
On November 4th, 2008 I found a reason to believe and to have hope. Most of the people in our country do feel the way I do. Today, America got its first black president.

3. Kelly Clarkson's first single off her new album was released. I know, I know. It's NOTHING compared to the inauguration. I love Kelly and I've missed her and I love her new song.

Listen to My Life Would Suck Without You on her new site.

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