Happy New Year! Can I just say I am GLAD 2010 is over? It was really rough. I'm not saying it didn't have it's moments (boy did it have it's moments) but in general I'm just glad I get a symbolic fresh start.
Before I talk about what lies ahead, I need to take a minute and remember what this last year has been. 2010 was me growing up. 2010 was me finding me again. I kinda like me. I need some work still...but there's an awesome chick in there....I can feel her.
Believe it or not, at 31, I had my very first apartment. There is something liberating about realizing you can take care of everything on your own. That I can PAY for everything on my own. I remember thinking, "What am I going to do if I can't open a jar?" I grab the
little rubber gripper I got in my gift pack from the leasing office when I moved in. I have been able to open everything so far, go figure. I fixed the vacuum by myself...because I had to. I kid you not I skipped around my living room when I got that new belt on all by myself. I did. With a big grin on my face too. My apartment is mine, my sanctuary...simple as it is...it's mine.

There were quite a few months in the middle of the year where I didn't do much. I wa
s kind of in a daze. I was surviving in my little cocoon of routine and solitude (are those words? ha). Then I snapped out of it...thanks to a mix of my own anger, love and patience from family, and a big kick of persistence from friends (You know who you are. THANK YOU)

A lot of firsts have happened in the last few months. From something as superficial as actually feeling good in a bikini to something as life altering as deciding to stop waiting for him and move on with my life. Oh...yeah, that's a big first for me. I haven't had many relationships...4 actually (and that's being generous) and I've always been the one being dumped. Well, this time I did the dumping. It's not any easier than getting dumped and you feel like crap
everyday about it.

Let's see...I gave a guy my number for the first time in 12 years. Scary but great for my ego at that moment. First concert in San Francisco. First Halloween costume party. First time doing tequila shots. Silly but hey it's a first right? First Elf Party in the city. First time in my life I can do 10 real push ups in a row. Planned and executed my first company event at work (hated it and glad I'm not doing anymore lol). Oh gosh! First Happy Hours! First time getting drunk at lunch (oh dear, these are just getting worse haha!) while on the clock. God, reading this list it really does seem like I skipped being a teenager. (I sucked at being a teenager) Um, yeah I got asked out by a married man, eew. First. Hopefully the last. First tattoo. I did it. I LOVE it. Didn't hurt that bad and I think it's kinda sexy. First time being in a restaurant when the power went out. First time going to a movie by myself. Not awesome but not horrible. First time going
jogging with my sister. First time in my life I purposely go jog. First burger at the Counter. First visit to a used bookstore ( I know I know! for a book nerd this is really sad). First pair of red pumps.

I'm sure there are others...and I know there will be more.
I've already signed up for a 5K in March. I am going to Vegas. I don't know when or how but I am going there while I still look young enough to get a free drink. I am only moving forward. I am going to read more. I want to cut my debt in half, be more assertive at work and...gasp! date?! (a girl's got needs you know...it's been WAY too long)(and yeah
this girl is way more vocal about that on here than she is in real life). Take more risks...like do something totally out of character (except karaoke, never ever!). That sounds fun. Anyway, yeah, good start. Since I'm hungry and it will be a first I'm going to go have pizza for dinner even though I also had it for lunch. ; p.

Goodbye 2010, hello 2011. To new beginnings, taking risks, and finding my light.
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