"watcha gonna do? Do you wanna fight..." oh, oh sorry. I'm not used to being wide awake at 3 am on a Saturday with a hangover from a blue margarita. The moment I saw it was blue I knew I was in trouble but I chugged it down anyway. At least I didn't throw up the accompanying sushi.
The good news? If I ever want to get completely hammered and I only have $8, all I have to do is take a short walk to the sushi place nearby.Notice, I've only finished half at this point and we've eaten most of the sushi. Pic by little sis---->
Sadly, I'm not awake because I was up all night having fun. Dinner was early, 5:30p, the drink had me wasted by 6:30pm and I crawled in bed at 8pm when the room started spinning. Tully jumped on me to cuddle and I almost thought I was going to have a date with my toilet. So I guess it's ok I'm up at 3am...6-7 hours of sleep is acceptable...except I'm going dancing tonight...oops.
Normally when I wake up I force myself to stay in bed...but then I started thinking about all the crap that had me a little down before the blue margarita (Big thanks to my sis for having dinner with me! Love you.). Work, people hating on my successes, dumb guys. The funny thing is, I have a week's worth of stuff to blog about and now here I am suffering from insomnia, rambling on, listening to what iTunes Genius considers Trance music from my play list. "Get Down" from Paul Johnson is on right now...you know that song that just says the word "down" over and over? Yeah, apparently this is trance...
Poor Tully, he thinks it's morning. I'm going to have to get him to go back to sleep somehow and do the morning routine again in a few hours. "The Launch" DJ Jean, this is more like it....5,4,3,2,1 guess I'll try to go back to bed. Week 3 run to do at all...
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