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Saturday, January 31, 2009


Life is funny. Sometimes days go by and I can't think of anything to talk about and then there are days like today. In a three hour errand trip, I noticed some interesting things.

1.I was in line at Long's after picking up a few things, proudly unfolding my Chicobag and scanning the magazines when behind me I hear a dad say to his child "Who's that?" I realize he's pointing to a picture of President Obama (yay!)and the first lady dancing. The little girl says "Obama!". Then Dad points to Michelle and again asks the question. His little girl says, "Michelle Obama!". I just thought to myself how great that was...this little girl was probably under 4 years old. To me, it just seemed like one small example of how I hope Obama's presidency will change young people's attitudes about politicians.

2.Every Saturday I take a couple large bags of cans and bottles to a recycle center and get some cash. (Cash that is going to my NKOTB fund...I don't think my husband's fellow tow truck drivers realize they are contributing to a woman's boy band fascination)Today I get there and Alfred says they can't take plastic...the truck didn't show up again. Here's the kicker THE DRIVERS CAN'T KEEP UP BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH DRIVERS! What? In this economy? Come on now....there have got to be thousands of people willing to do anything at this point. Then I realized...this is technically a "green" business...and they need more workers. Another hopeful sign.

3. The last thing that I noticed on my errands was just annoying. I stopped at Chipotle for lunch. I get in line right behind this guy, place my order, and get to the register. First, the cashier thinks our order is together. Then I realize the workers thought my order was To Go. I don't remember anyone even asking me either way. So I have to tell the cashier mine is for here before she wastes a paper bag. I think I know why this happened. I think the workers assumed I was A. either with the guy ahead of me...eew, and his order was To Go. or B. They cannot imagine a young woman sitting in and eating alone. Option B is so annoying. So I wonder...does this happen to guys? Do people just assume a guy wouldn't eat alone or that he's with the woman in front of him? Something tells me no. Regardless, my burrito bowl was delish and I scarffed the whole thing. One last thing. I made four stops on my travels this morning, including one drugstore and two grocery stores and not one plastic bag came home with me. I knew all these reusable bags would come in handy.

And just because my last couple of blogs have been visually bland, I'm including the video for Cry for You by September. This song is amazing and I can't sit still when its on.

Friday, January 30, 2009


It's been a quiet week. My brain has been really consumed with getting ready for my yearly review. My FIRST review. I've been really paranoid. I know why I've been paranoid; influence from another persons experience, the economy, and my own standards. I'm not going to give details on who the other person is. Let's just say they were really worried about their job for a long time last year and they eventually lost it. I was starting to think really weird things and imagine that people were talking about me and spying on me and crap. Really weird, I know. Now I know it was just anxiety. Second, the economy. People are losing their jobs everyday. Parents are murdering their kids. Of course that is going to have an impact on me. Work has been slower than I brain likes to be busy. I get bored easily. (one of the reasons I'm trying that I can learn that it's okay to be "quiet") Not being super busy all the time was making me think I wasn't doing my job well even though I have no control over how much work there is.
End review went really well and my boss is super happy to have me. It went so well, I almost gagged. But today I feel so much better.

So here's what's bugging me now; I'm taking care of myself, I'm saving for this awesome NKOTB girls weekend this summer, and I'm doing well at work...and my husband isn't exactly being as supportive as I like. He's totally annoyed with anything NKOTB related. I understand that. I've cut way back on even saying their name. He thinks I'm only working out for them and not him. No dear, I'm working out for ME. It's a bonus to be in my best shape when I meet NKOTB this summer. Would he want to look all fat and out of shape in front of Jessica Alba? Don't think so. He tells me I'm beautiful no matter how I look so that doesn't motivate me. I txt'd him yesterday as soon as my review was over that it went really well. I never heard back. He got home from work...didn't say anything. I had to bring it up.

I just wish he understood that more than anyone else, I want to feel like he's proud of me. He's the guy that convinced me I could learn to skate, to drive a stick shift, and to drive an ATV. He's always been my biggest cheerleader. Lately, not so much. I mean, I know my life is pretty dull, but still.

Am I making too much of this? You tell me.

On a happier note: Our trip to Disneyland is all set. We found a little hotel close by for $50 a night so we are staying 5 nights instead of four. I am so excited! It will be the most time we've spent alone since our honeymoon.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Finally! I don't feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone. Some of the decisions and statement the Bush Administration made, made me want to pull my hair out. How anybody with a brain could deny global warming has just boggled my mind...but we are talking about politicians.

Out with the old, in with the new. President Obama (yay!) is getting stuff done! Check out his latest announcement. He's actually going to let Cali and 12 other states make up thier own minds about fuel efficiency. Thank goodness.

Finally! NKOTB announce April tour dates...but the closest they are getting to me is L.A. Anybody want to go on a mini road trip...oh wait...its the weekend of my grandma's 90th bday. That figures. I guess I am destined to wait until summer.

Finally! A little success on getting back in shape. I lost 1.5lbs this week and another 1/2 inch on my waist. Woot!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Great Day

1. Bush's Last Day. I've been counting down for two years.
2. Obama's First Day.

I have never considered myself very patriotic. I have always been proud to be an American but I always had this lingering sense that I didn't quite buy into a lot of what we are told about our country and what it represents. I have always been surrounded by all kinds of people growing up in the SF Bay Area so for me I did believe to an extent that we were all equal. Then you become an adult and you realize we don't all treat each other equal. That people are still ignorant. That a man in an auto parts shop will look at me as I walk in with my husband, point to the corner of his shop and say "The broom is over there."
On November 4th, 2008 I found a reason to believe and to have hope. Most of the people in our country do feel the way I do. Today, America got its first black president.

3. Kelly Clarkson's first single off her new album was released. I know, I know. It's NOTHING compared to the inauguration. I love Kelly and I've missed her and I love her new song.

Listen to My Life Would Suck Without You on her new site.

Monday, January 19, 2009

New White Rapper, Miracles, and Everyday Life

I literally just found this...I'm not going to bash on the guy because I think going out of your way to be mean to something is a waste of energy most of the time. Just so you know, supposedly the bearded guy is Joaquin Pheonix and he's retiring from acting to rap.

The Hudson River crash-Is it really a miracle? That's what I've been hearing it being called. I don't really think trained professionals following procedure, a talented pilot, and passengers helping each other out is a miracle. Have we lost faith in our fellow man that much?

Everyday Life- My job is so boring lately. I'm not complaining that I have a job. Being bored and being paid is much better than being bored at home not being paid. I'm still allowed to want more out of life right? I mean, I have a degree and I'm 30 years old now. Shouldn't things be going a little better? I know I am capable of so much more. Then again, wasting energy on something its really hard to care about is difficult. I didn't grow up saying, "I wanna be a receptionist!"

My grandma will be 90 in April. She's an amazing lady. She still takes care of herself, drives herself, and cooks lunch for her family every Sunday. Lately, though, she seems to be getting more tired. She can't walk daily like she used to. In fact, she's not walking at all anymore. It scares me. It makes me feel guilty I haven't had a grandbaby for her. Plus one of my friends just lost her 90 y.o. self sufficient grandma because of a freak accident. Life goes by so fast. If you are lucky enough to still have a them...visit them...tell them you love them. My Sundays are priceless.

I made salsa last night...and it actually came out good! I was so proud of myself. Thanks Betty Crocker!

Last but not least, I bit the bullet and bought my tickets to Disneyland. Hubby and I are going right after Valentines Day to celebrate 10 years together. We've never been there together. We want to go act like kids before there are actual kids in the picture.

One more day, no more Bush!


Friday, January 16, 2009


Hehe...hehe...NKOTB announced their Spring 2009 Tour Dates! LOL. Omg, you poor souls that go out of your way to hate are going to be so drained by the end of summer you'll have to give in and accept they aren't going away. Unfortunately for me, they aren't rockin' anywhere near the west coast in March so I'm crossing my fingers for April...or this summer. Yes, they have said many times they plan to tour through the summer in the US. I will meet Joey McIntyre before I turn 31! I will! I think blockheads are responsible for all the technical issues on Twitter today. I hope my friend Logan in UK is having a blast at the guys' Manchester show right now!

Circuit City is closing- It is so weird seeing companies I literally grew up around close because of this recession. My grandma worked at Mervyn's and now it's gone. My dad was addicted to all electronic stores including Circuit City and now that's going away. So weird. Well, at least my employer bought snacks this week. Things are looking up...sort of, lol.

I don't love cooking, I love food.
-I watch the Food Network a lot. At times I get inspired, like last night. I decided to make burgers. Yes, they were big and juicy...but for some reason when I season liberally, things come out super salty. I don't know what those chefs are doing with salt that I'm not. So, I've realized, I love food and watching others cook...I'm capable of feeding someone but I need to try to keep things simple.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well, that figures

I get all excited about writing this blog and then on day two, my mind shuts up. In a way, that's nice. There are only a couple things that have caught my attention in the last 24 hours so here it goes:

1. Biggest Loser Season 7-I'm only halfway through the second episode. (I Tivo everything so you must forgive my delay when it comes to shows) Joelle. What is that chick's deal? Does she think saying "I'm going to do it." out loud means she's actually doing it? She's starting to seem a little off her rocker and poor Bob almost snapped. I'm starting to see why she may still live at home. Coddled much?

2. American Idol- My favorite story of the night was the guy who lost his wife. They kept teasing us and I was joking with my husband that it was probably his hamster or something and they were messing with us. Ok, I felt bad. His wife! A month before! I would not be able to function. He rocks. I like that he didn't tell the judges and ask for their pity.

3. Obama's letter to his daughters-AWWW. What an awesome dad. I can't wait until Bush's last day. Oh, I mean, Obama's inauguration next Tuesday.

4. President Bush finally admits he'd do things different-um dude...maybe if you'd done that sooner a certain segment of the population wouldn't be so sick of you.

5. No Doubt is working on new material and going on tour! Yeah, I'm probably way behind on this. I worshipped Gwen (No Doubt Gwen) in high school. I am so glad they are back. I've never seen them live...hopefully I'll get the chance this year.

6. NKOTB did a great job on the National Lottery in UK. So hot. Joey can blow, sigh.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Oh man. I'm so sorry. It's my first blog...and I'm reading over my description of why Brian Garbage and it totally sounds like I'm saying dreams are garbage. I don't think dreams are garbage at all. Dreams are great! Having dreams and goals is great...but I don't really know what mine are. No, I take that back. I do. I'm just not one of those people that latches on to things and believes in them so intensely I'll find away to get what I want no matter what. For example, I don't like religion. Whenever I've been in church (family is non practicing Catholic)I feel nauseated and annoyed because I do not understand how people can just do this or that because someone told them to. I'll go into that topic another day. Or not. What's another example? Well all this craziness I've seen over NKOTB. Women spending money I very much doubt they have and not even batting an eye. Not me. I've been saving since October recycling cans. I'm halfway to my goal. What I'm getting at is, I'm a realist. What I'm getting at is, I've always done what's expected of me, expecting certain results and if I don't get them...then I'm stuck. I went to college got good grades, now where is the amazing job? I'm not very good at stepping outside my comfort zone.
See? What a mess. That was pure flow of consciousness right there. One of my big struggles right now is...what am I doing with my life? What will make me want to get up every day and feel so excited to be doing it? That's why I love pop culture...Madonna...she loves what she does. The people that go on American Idol, they really love music/performing and will embarrass themselves just for the shot. Where do I find that kind of drive?

Speaking of American Idol. The new judge rocks! I especially love Kara's encounter with Bikini Girl. Newsflash to BG-Even if you do get by because of your voice through Hollywood you will be forever known as Bikini Girl on American Idol...not something you'll be proud of in 20 years I think.