So, I went on a little movie date with my soon to be estranged husband a couple nights ago ( I know, I know, we are weird)...and we saw Legion.
Wait! First a disclaimer: *I am not religious. I find religion to be contradictory, restrictive, hypocritical, and man made (hence making it pretty hypocritical since most religions seem to be "ruled" by some "laws" made by some higher power)HOWEVER, I do have FAITH. I do believe in a higher power. I just don't like someone telling me how and when and why to believe in that power. OK, so if you do follow a religion that works for you, fine. It doesn't bother me. Just don't try to force it on me OK?*
Wow, oops. Sorry. Back to the movie...anyway, how could I not like a movie about God sending angels to wipe out most of man kind because He's sick of us? I mean really...with scary effects and action and everything! I tend to enjoy anything that questions religion in one way or another. Well, I did like it BUT it had so much potential it did not live up to. First of all, it was only 1hr 40min. These days we are all used to 2hr+ mega movies. There was very little, if any, back story. Nothing was really explained. Here's what happens:
Angel falls to earth like one of the terminators, cuts off his wings.
The Apocalypse begins (chaos, explosions, looting,etc)
Cut to diner with pregnant smoker chick and her country friends
Crazy killer old lady scene
Angel shows up and says, your son will save mankind, God has lost hope.
Everyone is given and gun and they start shooting all the angel-possessed "people"
People die
Baby is born
Angels fight
God rethinks things...
The end
Here's the deal though...we never really find out WHY that baby is so important. I don't think he ever gets a name even. There is no back story as to why God decided to throw up his hands. I mean, I guess that could be obvious given the state of things but still.
It's not one of Dennis Quaid's shining moments for sure.
Verdict: not a total waste of money, but I'd wait for the DVD.
WTF?? Last night soon to be estranged husband confesses to having a dream about "his son". Interesting. In June he shouted something at me during a fight about never wanting kids. "Was I his mother?" Yes. "How old was he, a baby?" No, like four...and I loved him so much and couldn't wait to get home to hang out with him.
WTF?? Now that I'm leaving you are dreaming of children? Happy, loving dreams on top of it? Way to make a girl feel confused.
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