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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

American Idol Finals, Week Whatever- Movie Music

I learned in Speech 1A in college that you never start anything with an apology. This isn't college however, this is real life, so I'm starting with an apology. This won't be my best review because this week has been tough personally and it was hard for me to care A LOT about Idol. Anyway, here it goes:

Allison singing "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing"- yikes...David Cook did this really well last year. I even have it on my iPod. This performance was a mixed bag for me. I love Allison but this was not her best week. She was really cool on some parts and really a mess on others. I don't know why Simon was praising her so much unless he is trying to make up for kissing Lil's round this whole time when we all knew Allison was the stronger competitor.

Anoop singing "Everything I Do (I do it For You)"- did I type that super long title right? I don't's one of those songs I loved growing up. I think it came out when I was in the 6th grade. Anoop sang it well but here's the thing...all Anoop can do is sing some soft syrupy ballad. Whenever he tries an upbeat song he falls apart so...he won't win this thing.

Adam singing "Born to be Wild"- haha. Adam. I missed crazy rocker Adam and his eyeliner. When Adam does the crazy rocker thing, it doesn't exactly make me want to listen to it on my iPod BUT his voice is exceptional and he's such a showman I always end up enjoying the performance. He even collapsed on his knees at the end and wailed. Gotta love it.

Danny singing "Endless Love"- I liked seeing Danny without the glasses...any change for him is a good change because every week feels the same. I thought the beginning was rough and pitchy but as usual, on his power vocals, he sounded great. Also, I did agree with Simon that he really connected to the song emotionally. I appreciated that.

Matt singing "Have you Ever Really Love a Woman"-jeez, I forgot about Bryan Adams ridiculously long song titles.... Matt had good parts and bad parts. That's really all there is to say about it. There wasn't anything special about it. He over sang it I guess. Matt frustrates me. One week (last week) he's great, the next week (this week) he's all over the place.

Kris singing "Some song I have no clue what it Was called but he was Awesome!"- I didn't hear Ryan say the title and I couldn't catch it in the song but who cares? Kris was amazing. Subtle and relaxed with his vocals. Hung on to the mic stand in a way that kind of drove me bonkers (in a good way). Randy must have been twittering or something because he was dead wrong in his critique of Kris. Kara was completely correct (in my opinion).

Lil singing "The Rose"- before I vomit over her song choice I just want to say that Simon was really harsh about her arrangement. She finally did what they asked and he totally thumbed his nose at her. I give her props for standing up for herself. That said, "The Rose" makes me gag. I was a band geek and that's one of those songs you learn and play a million times. It's so depressing. As for the performance, well, the beginning was horrible, the end was horrible, and the only good part was her gospel twist. Props for that but I think it's too little too late for Lil.

The judges- had to speak as a couple because they ramble too much. After last week's mess with Adam and Tivo the contestants only got two opinions after their performance. Poor time management annoys me.

Song most likely to download- Kris'

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