Last night was the first of 10? weeks of the American Idol finals and the theme was the King of Pop's catalogue. I was pretty surprised...I mean...that's a tough first week! Anyway, lets got to the performances shall we?
1. Lil Rounds-for me the most over hyped contestant on the show. The judges and producers obviously expect her to make top 3 or something because they are surprisingly deaf to her bad notes. Ok, not BAD, but not GREAT. I have been unimpressed by her since she sang "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. Nothing about her seems any different from today's r&b diva. Last night she sang "The Way You Make Me Feel", one of my MJ faves and she said "makin'" not "make" every time she sang the title line. Makin made me think of bacon. None of the judges seemed to notice. Overall, it wasn't very inspiring and I forgot about her by the fourth or fifth person. Simon was right about the was straight out of 80's fashion hell.
2.Scott-I love Scott. He's not the best singer but how can you not love him? He's so genuine. I was really surprised that his sister was blind too. Scott sang "Keep the Faith" I've never heard it and I think that was to Scott's advantage...nothing to compare it to. I think he sang it well. I don't know if he's going to get a ton of votes for it, but I did give him one.
3. Danny- first off, his outfit was horrible. That jacket looked like it barely fit. And the dancing...well, it was bad and he knew it. His dancing reminded me of that drunk white dude at the club that has no clue he can't dance. He asked for a choreographer, which I found cute. Once I got passed how dorky he looked though, his vocals were insanely good. I can't really knock a guy who was having such a great time AND sounding so good. Got my vote.
4.Michael-Hardworking family man with a nice voice. He sang "You are Not Alone" well. There isn't much that grabs me about him though. Plus whenever I hear that song I think of junior prom with my ex and the fact that MJ was naked and had short hair in that video. He'll probably be gone around the top 10.
5.Jasmine-I had high hopes for her after her initial audition. She is definitely the total package, young, pretty, stylish, good voice. Unfortunately, she sucked her first week in the top 36 doing an uptempo song so now she's stuck on dreary ballads. I love "I'll be There" ( I prefer the nkotb version with Joey Mac singing, lol) but Jasmine just made it boring. If she survives this week, she'll have to do an uptempo song and show some of her attitude.
6. Kris-Kris is cute. Kris has a cute wife...aww they remind me of me and Joe. I love that! Kris is singing "Remember the Time". Oh dear. This is one of my top 3 favorite
Simon really pissed me off with the "you shouldn't have shown your wife this early" comment. How rude! I LOOOOVE that Kris' wife was so pissed. I would have been too. Simon, you are a moron. Chicks vote for cute guys regardless of their relationship status because deep down we think we always have a chance.
7. Allison-god I love this girl! 16, huge voice, not annoyingly sweet, rocker style. She sang "Give it To Me". I have heard this MJ song before but its not one of his well known tracks. She did great I think. It was dark and rocker and I loved her little retort to Simon about not being so dark. "Uh, well it's not a happy song...I don't cut myself or anything..." Allison, don't ever change. Got lots of votes.
8.Anoop- As soon as Ryan said Anoop was singing "Beat It" I knew it would be a disaster. I mean, nobody else can sing "Beat It". I doubt anyone could change it around the way Chris Cornell changed "Billie Jean" (that David Cook performed last year) It was pretty cheesy and karaoke. Poor Anoop. I like him but that was a dumb choice.
9.Jorge- I'll be upfront and say that I don't really know why he made it into the top 13. He's a likable guy with a good voice but that's about it. His left eye drives Joe and I crazy. He sang "Say Goodbye". Eh. Nothing special, not horrible. Won't miss him when he's gone but I think he'll stick around for a bit since he's got all of Puerto Rico voting for him....kinda like Jasmine Trias with her Hawaii backing.
10. Megan-ok, Megan is beautiful and quirky. I get it. I had high hopes for her back in the middle rounds but that crazy jiggle dance drives me nuts. At least tonight she did it on beat last night. She sang "Rockin Robin" though! Oh my god, all I could think about was the chicken dance at a roller rink. It was cute, but it just made her seem so cheesy. Hitting the notes can't save you from looking dumb on that song. And she "caw caw! ed" at the end. Oh dear.
11.Adam- Adam sang "Black or White". I wasn't sure how this was going to work...but I liked MOST of the song. I didn't like the bridge part with the strobe lights...he just over did that part in my opinion. The guy has major stage presence, great style, and can do crazy stuff with his voice better than the 80's rockers he emulates. So far the only Idol that matches his vocal craziness is the one and only Kelly C.. Adam will definitely go far in the competition...though I found Paula's reaction and tears pretty ridiculous for week 1. Got my vote.
12. Matt- Matt sang "Human Nature" and for whatever reason I thought the song was called "Why". Anyway, he played the piano and did his whole JT thing and I thought it was great. His best asset is his voice so the more he plays up his skills, the longer he'll last. He got my vote.
13. Alexis- my husband loooves her. She is like his fantasy of what I would be like as a super sexy rock star. She is pretty much MY fantasy of what I would be like as a super sexy rock star. LOL. Anyway, I love "Dirty Diana" and how she totally went for it. I didn't agree that she over did it at all. Have the judges seen the Dirty Diana video? Loved it. She got lots of our votes.
The judges-Simon was Simon. Randy was Randy. Paula, after being really coherent and pretty so far, is totally Drunk Paula again. It makes me sad. I'm embarrassed for her. Her hair and makeup were all shiny and it made her drunkenness seem even worse. The dress was weird. Ugh. Kara, after saying she was going to be "meaner" wasn't really mean. I liked her better in the first auditions. She's seems to be morphing into some combination of the three other judges. Come on Kara! Be the female Simon I want you to be!
Songs I'm Most Likely to Download based on vocals alone- Danny, Allison, and Matt
Is anyone else kind of burned out on the whole young mom/single mom thing?
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