Wow. My life has changed in so many ways is the past year. Little did I know after my last blog post that a trip to Vegas followed by a casual night of bowling with a former classmate would change me so dramatically.
I mean I'm still all those things in that last post but I'm also more...
I so want to share it all! I can't, not yet. A certain legal status needs to change before I feel safe enough to do so.
A few things though...full time as an EA and pretty much rocking it. Love it most days. My company is exploding and it's so exciting. What job crisis?
I'm a Christian now. Hahahaha. Crazy right? Found a cool church. Real people.
I've attempted salsa dancing. Fun, but I'm definitely not a natural.
Started teaching at my old high school band program again. Love.
Spent some time in San Diego. Beautiful!
I have Phoenix, New Orleans, NYC, and Maui in my future...
I'm finally in a position to save for retirement AND a new car.
and maybe, just maybe some old dreams will become a possibility again.
See ya!